Do you ever think to yourself, “Wow, my life is a struggle right now!” As we experience these seasons of despair or doubt, we can relate to David’s journey, and the battles he faced every day.
Have you considered the hardships David experienced? 2nd
Samuel 21 outlines how he endured famine, Israel’s atonement to the Gideonites,
war, and Saul chasing after David trying kill him.
David is a man who hasn’t been perfect by any means,
screwing up in big ways consistently throughout his life. But the Lord doesn’t
call out David’s sin or mistakes, instead He delights in David according to his
righteousness (2nd Samuel 22:20-26, Psalm 103:8-10).
As we read 2nd Samuel 22, we see two different things:
1) We see David’s response to the Lord’s deliverance
2) We see God’s faithfulness and character on full display
The very first thing David does after the war at Gath, is
respond with a song to the Lord, praising Him for deliverance. (Verses 2-3). I
love that a song to the Lord is David’s first response!
In July of 2022, my wife Catherine and I found out we were
pregnant with our third child. We rejoiced in this news, only to find out a few
weeks later that our precious child had passed away due to a miscarriage. We grieved
a child that we will never meet here on earth, but we rejoice that our child will
live with our heavenly Father.
Because of the miscarriage, I was frustrated with God, but
the Lord sought me and cared for me, in the middle of my pain. The following
morning after hearing the news of our miscarriage, I went for a run. As I
wandered through the trails, the Lord put in me a song that I held fast to, “TisSo Sweet” by Shane and Shane. These words rang true:
Jesus Jesus how I trust Him!
How I proved him O’er and O’er
Jesus Jesus precious Jesus
O for grace, to trust Him more!
Just like David in this passage, when we sing, we are
reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness time and time again. The Lord delights in
his children! Despite the pains that this life can bring, we can trust God and
have full assurance that He will see us through to the end. Who is our God? Our
God is a God who delivers and saves us. Verses 33-37 remind us that He makes
our way blameless, secures us, trains us, and gives us a place to step so that
we do not slip.
One day Catherine and I will meet our child that we named
Sam, as a tribute to Hannah’s offering of Samuel to the Lord, and we will
continue to rejoice and sing as we do today.
My prayer is that your hearts would be strengthened, and
your song be bold.
Tis So Sweet!