The truth is simply that we all fit in the category of not being able to make it on our own. Those trying to walk down the path of righteousness and truth without the help of our Lord Jesus Christ will always fail. The funny part of that is that we all have done exactly what I just said, for we try too often to live for ourselves and not for Him above. Most days I sadly look back and can say that I am right there in that boat of living for myself. But the great thing is that Jesus will never judge us for living for ourselves, and He never fails to scoop us up and tell us that He loves us! Is it just me or is that ridiculously amazing?? Especially for a guy like me who is consistently falling to what I want compared to what He wants. Psalms 139:11-12 puts it perfectly saying, "If I say, 'Surely the darkness shall cover me and the light around me is about to be night,' even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you."
After a long twelve hour school-day, I had to look back and ask, "How did I get through that?" The answer comes from Christ, the one who gave me the strength to keep going. During cross country today we had a very intense workout- enough to the point where I just didn't think I could keep going. After giving up on the first sprint, I had run completely out of gas to keep going. I had to call upon the Lord for strength. I simply could not do the workout on my own strength, however as always, the Lord gave me the extra strength to keep going and persevere through the fire. I praise God for teaching me the valuable lesson I learned today on the track!
So what does the Lord have to say about trust and getting our strength from Him??
Isaiah 30:15- "In returning (repentance) and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength." If you keep reading on it says that the Israelites ignored this statement made and did not trust in him, providing an example in the Bible of people who also make the mistake of trusting in him and continued on with their own ways. There is consequences sometimes to not trusting in him though- for in chapter 37 we see that Judah was invaded. Another verse in Isaiah that stuck out to me was Isaiah 12:2 which says, "Behold the Lord is my salvation, I will trust and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and song, and he has become my salvation." Man that verse says it all for me, let us trust in the Lord and not be afraid, for if He is with us, who shall fight against us? I pray that everyone relies on the Lord this week as school continues on! stay strong my brothers and sisters!
Sincerely your brother in Christ,
Matt Galvin